Did You Know Diaper Rash?

Prevent diaper rash

Many mothers think the red butt is related to stuffiness of diaper, so keep changing diaper to new brand, but the diaper rash is still existing.

Diaper rash is one of the commonest skin diseases of infants. Main causes are stimulation, infection and allergies.


The baby’s skin is tenderer and more sensitive. After urinating if the butt hasn’t been cleaned for long time the bacteria from excrement will multiply to large amount. Coupled with repeated friction with the skin, it is very easy to get rash.


The baby’s urine will change the pH level of the skin which makes bacteria and fungi easier to grow. What’s more, wrapped diapers provide a warm and humid environment, especially suitable for fungi to breed. Such combined factors cause the skin infection and lead to rash finally.


Infants have thinner skin, the immune function is not good enough and resistance is low. When the skin is stimulated by certain detergents, like soap, wet wipes and diapers, will make the baby to be allergic easily and then become red butt.


There are also other reasons to cause rash, for example diarrhea, just started eating supplementary food or a baby taking antibiotics could also increase chance to have red butt.

5 tips to avoid diaper rash

A (Air): Expose the skin in the air as much as possible to reduce the friction and stimulation of feces, moisturizers and diaper.

B (Barrier): Choose butt cream containing zinc oxide and Vaselin, which can form a layer of lipid film on the surface of the skin to reduce friction, isolate urine, feces and other stimulating objects and microorganisms to prevent or alleviate the rash, also to repair the skin barrier function.

C (Cleansing): Cleaning is very important, especially after excrement. After cleaning, should dry the skin first then wear new diaper. If it is not convenient to clean and wash baby’s butt, could use wet tissue to wipe the stool. Wet wipes should not contain alcohol, fragrance and other stimulating substances.

D (Diapering): Change diapers in time and regularly, like every 1-3 hours, or change it at any time after urination and excrement. At least once at night, the purpose is to reduce the opportunity to stimulate the skin.

E (Education): Parents or caretakers should have a full understanding of the cause, pathogenesis and nursing procedures of diaper rash, then are able to do nursing work correctly and reduce the its occurrence.

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Post time: Nov-08-2023