How To Prevent Bug Bites?

How To Prevent Bug Bites

Summer is coming. Bugs and mosquitoes become active. So would like to introduce you with some tips to prevent bug bites.

1.Avoid Exposure Of Skin

If you’re headed on a hike, trip to the lake, or playing outside at dusk, use clothing as a shield. Protect that precious skin by covering up as much as possible. Go for lightweight, long-sleeved shirts, pants, socks, and closed shoes. If the bugs are really pestering your littles? Pull their socks over their pants, tuck in their shirts, and consider buying some EPA-approved insect repellent clothing. In addition, you can drape a breathable mesh cover over a playpen, car seat, or stroller to shoo away the bugs from your baby. (Emphasis on the words “breathable” and “mesh.” Anything thicker will be too hot for your summertime sweetie!)

2.Watch Out For Water

Bugs especially like to hang out (aka breed) near water. Look for any area where water pools up (like in a bucket, pot, or plastic covers) and take care of it asap. (Eco-Tip: Use the water in your garden or potted plants so it doesn’t go to waste!)

3.Use Repellent

If you want a more natural way to banish bugs, look for a formula that’s plant-based, including mint, lemongrass and other ingredients.

4.Plants Drive Bugs

In the environment of where bugs live, some plants with special aromatherapy such as wormwood and mint can also be placed to help drive bugs and mosquitoes. But please kindly consider whether you are allergic to these plants in advance.

5.Keep Your Living Space Clean

It is easy to breed bugs when the environment gets dirty. Therefore, you should also pay attention to avoid water accumulation and garbage hoarding in daily life.

Hope this information will help you somehow and Newclears team sincerely wish you and your family stay healthy and happy.

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Post time: Apr-22-2024