How Important of High Absorbency for Incontinence Diaper Underwear

It’s a range of factors to consider when purchasing Incontinence Diaper Underwear, and absorbency is one of the most important. Here’s how to choose the best and the most absorbent Incontinence Diaper Nappies for you.

Incontinence Diaper Underwear

Choosing the right level of absorbency

If you or a loved one are dealing with incontinence, you’ll know just how important it is to find a high-quality adult diapers. Many factors go into making the best diapers nappy for adult, and high absorbency levels are among the highest priorities.

When considering which adult diapers may be right for you or your family member, there are a number of factors to analyse when making your decision. Here are our tips on prioritising absorbency (as well as some other important considerations).
Choosing the right level of absorbency

If incontinence diapers aren’t absorbing at a rate that matches urinary leakage throughout the day or night, you risk dealing with uncomfortable leaks and exposing the skin to irritation.

Disposable incontinence diapers are designed to absorb and lock away urine, keeping the wearer’s skin dry and safe throughout the time you wear them. Ensuring your diapers’s absorbency matches your needs gives you the peace of mind to navigate your day - free from leakage concerns.

Adequate absorbency can also allow for a regular changing schedule with planned times and routines in place minimising the last-minute stress or potential leakages and discomfort.

Whether you’re using incontinence pads or incontinence pants, these should be changed regularly to ensure the wearer remains dry and clean. It’s best to change incontinence pads approximately 3-4 times a day to ensure ongoing comfort and leakage protection.

Whether or not your incontinence diaper underwear is wet or dry, changing it frequently can help promote good skin hygiene and eliminate odors. As incontinence-associated dermatitis (skin redness) can be a concern to those with incontinence, a regular changing schedule protects against the risk of developing this underlying condition.

High absorbency for comfortable, peaceful overnight

Needing to change a bed pad or incontinence brief diaper throughout the night can lead to significant disruptions in sleep cycles. Often this sleep disruption leads to being increasingly tired throughout the following day.

In turn, sleeping throughout the day to catch up on sleep then leads to not being tired at night, creating a vicious cycle. Using an incontinence diaper nappy that’s designed for overnight usage – complete with increased absorbency – ensures you will get a great night’s sleep that’s leak-free.

Generally speaking, we produce less urine at night as our antidiuretic hormone slows the production of urine during sleep. As such, it is not unreasonable to use a higher absorbency diapers, placed on during the later evening to get you through the night until early the next day.

Confidence in your incontinence diapers

If you are struggling to guess how much urine you are passing, you can do this simple activity. Weigh your new diaper prior to putting it on. Once you are ready to change, pop the worn diapers in a plastic bag and weigh it again. Record the time frame the diapers was on for and the weight difference. 1ml = 1 gm. This is known as the diaper weight test. It is recommended that you do this test for a minimum of 24 hours but for a more accurate result we recommend all diapers are weighed for three days.

With Chinese-made premium disposable adult diapers providing people with everyday comfort and peace of mind, Newclears’s solutions enable you to live life to the very fullest.

For any inquiries about Newclears products, please contact us at email,Whatsapp/Wechat Skype.+86 17350035603, thank you.

Post time: Apr-04-2023